Hero Humberside Police officers given top awards for saving lives of two women

Four officers are responsible for preventing two potential suicides

Four Humberside Police officers have been awarded top national life-saving honours after preventing two potential suicides, one on the Humber Bridge and the other at the Marina in Hull’s Dock Street.

PCs Tanya Dillon and Samuel Farrow have been awarded Certificates of Commendation by the Royal Humane Society for their part in the incident at Humber Bridge, while PCs Nathan Francis and Benjamin Harmer are to receive similar awards for their parts in the marina incident.

The Humber Bridge has been the site of multiple suicides since it opened in 1981, with more than 200 recorded instances of people falling from the bridge. Only five people have ever survived the fall, prompting numerous calls for netting or protective barriers to be installed along the length of the bridge, which have yet to be acted upon.

PCs Dillon and Farrow were called to the bridge in the early hours of 18 April last year after reports that a woman was on the wrong side of the bridge railings. When they found her she was sitting on the wrong side of the railings with her legs dangling over the edge and was threatening to jump off.

However, the two officers managed to grab her through the railings, talked her into standing up on the ledge and then they used all their strength to lift her back over the railings to safety

The other incident at the marina happened late at night on April 12 last year. PCs Francis and Harmer went to the marina after reports that a woman was there crying and saying that she wanted to end her life.

When they found her she was the wrong side of the marina flood defence wall and told them she wanted to end her life because her children had been taken away by social services.

They managed to get close enough to her to grab her by an arm and leg, and after they called for assistance and were joined by other officers, between them, they managed to lift the woman back over the safety fence.

In addition to the awards they are to receive the four officers have won the personal praise of Andrew Chapman, Secretary of the Royal Humane Society .

“These four officers almost certainly saved two lives in these incidents,” he said. “The women were threatening to end their lives but thanks to these officers they didn’t carry out their threats. The officers all richly deserve the awards they are to receive.”

The roots of the Royal Humane Society stretch back more than two centuries. It is the premier national body for honouring bravery in the saving of human life.

The Society also awards non health care professionals who perform a successful resuscitation. Since it was set up the Society has considered over 87,000 cases and made over 200,000 awards. The Society is a registered charity which receives no public funding and is dependent on voluntary donations.