Hull Maritime Museum

Hull Maritime Museum

Explore Hull’s old Dock Offices and discover superb ship models and maritime art, the whaler’s craft of Scrimshaw, Hull’s famous Wilson shipping line, and find out what made Hull the city it is today. Formerly the Town Docks Offices, the impressive building of the Hull Maritime Museum now houses a fine collection of paintings, artefacts, and models.

Whaling, fishing, and trawling exhibits. Discover the whaler’s craft of Scrimshaw and see a full-sized whale skeleton, alongside superb ship models and stunning artefacts from Hull’s whaling, fishing and merchant trade. In 2016, the Humber Museums Partnership was granted Major Partner Museums (MPM) status by the Arts Council and awarded £2.6m to further its work as an MPM.

As the Arts Council designated national lead for the Under 5s, a major strand of the Humber Museum Partnership’s work is the improving of our sites and services for our very youngest visitors.

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